Friday, October 3, 2008

Work selected for "Inner Noise" Exhibition at the Caladan Gallery

Images copyright 2008 Byron O'Neal

I am very pleased to learn this morning that three of my images will be a part of the Inner Noise exhibition with the Caladan Gallery based out of Cambridge, MA. This juried exhibition will be posted online on October 15th and will run through November 14th.

From the gallery:

The work chosen for this exhibition epitomizes the array of inner experiences of the mind, and tends to reflect and create a very tangible response.  Very often it is easy to draw a relationship between these occurrences and to set up a visual map, whether we are aware of this action or not.  Whether it be the connection between the experience and emotion, or a lucid dream state, the cacophony of illusion and visual panorama is a constant source. 

This experimental work was created with graffiti and long shutter speeds. I held the camera and rotated it over a thirty second time period, in some cases incorporating local light sources into part of the shutter time. The banding in Approaching Pinnacle was created from long fluorescent tubes in a library above the graffiti. Special thanks goes to my longtime friend Dave for putting up with me through this afternoon/evening of shooting. 

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice work Byron - I've always been partial to this series of abstracts, good to see them getting some more of the recognition they deserve!