Monday, September 8, 2008

Hooker Falls near Brevard, North Carolina

I visited Hooker Falls early in the morning this July. This particular waterfall is a great subject. Unlike many of the other waterfalls in the area, it is easy to reach down a short hike on a wide trail that is relatively flat. I would recommend wading out to get a different perspective than you might normally see. The water is about knee deep where I jumped in and it's easy to set up a tripod. This shot was taken from the side after a short scramble across a few slippy rocks, be forewarned. 

Also in the close vicinity are a few other falls. The Triple Falls trail is across the road from the Hooker Falls parking lot and is a fifteen minute or so hike up vertical terrain. Triple Falls will provide a bevy of photographic opportunities from a bunch of different angles. It is significantly more exposed than Hooker Falls to morning sun and should be visited under overcast conditions or in the late afternoon. If you continue up the trail, you will eventually come to High Falls. It's not one of the more photographic falls in the area, and I would advise spending your time elsewhere unless you can catch it in the fall while the leaves are changing. 

If you are planning on visiting the area and want to hunt for waterfalls, I would pick up North Carolina Waterfalls: A Hiking and Photography Guide by Kevin Adams. It's a really good resource for directions and suggestions on where to spend your time wisely. 

Plan on staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Brevard. Recently renovated, you will find more shots like the one above from yours truly. 
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